ABOUT ME What i do

My name is Richard De Souza and I am a Mental Skills Coach. I originally trained as a doctor and have 25 years experience as a GP. When I was in the First year of Medical School at Leicester, I had an epileptic fit playing football on a hot, humid day, out of the blue. The fits continued for nine months and then as suddenly as they had started, stopped but that’s a story for another day…I learnt from this experience Resilience: the ability to always get up when knocked down not that I had much choice in the matter!


In the year 2000, I committed to finding my passion and began down the exciting path to becoming a Mental Skills Coach…helping people in all walks of life do the seemingly impossible by finding their Real Selves. I have created a powerful method that I call MST (Mental Skills Training) that unlocks one’s hidden potential…


On this unique website, you will learn more about unleashing Your Real Self…


Richard De Souza


07940 721030
